As I typed the date for the title of this post I realized that 20 years ago today I graduated from high school!  It makes me want to laugh, and cry, and…well, I guess the most overwhelming feeling is, blessed.  I’ve been a little grumpy lately feeling like we’re working, working, working, our wheels are turning but we’re not going anywhere.  Now, looking back I realize we really are moving along (sometimes slow, sometimes fast) and I have to remind myself  that the things we think are important in this life and how people measure success is NOT what matters.  Love is what matters most, and between our God, our family and our friends, we are wealthy beyond measure…..

Rose Verse

On to this weeks pictures.  I (finally) got a new camera!!! (insert squeals of joy)…  It’s going to take me awhile to learn how to use it correctly, so bear with me while I figure this thing out. 🙂

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Looks like the raspberries are off to a good start.

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Skillet chocolate chip cookie bars…..

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Every time Dusty finds a toad he names it “Bruce The Pirate Toad”….Bruce needs to invite all the other pirates to a bug eating party in the garden!

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Hope you all have a fun, family filled, three day weekend!!